My Kiff Nomadic Journal

Hi Kiffner!

My name is Miss Kiff, in July 2022 I made the decision to move into my van Luna full time to become debt free and to start living my dream in nomadic living.

I moved into my van not by choice it was to not be homeless and I had to start from 0 at the age of 31 years old. The pandemic gave me a reset and shortly after my mum passed away during my masters in May 2022. This was my most challenging adventure I embarked on, however my mother gave me the opportunity to start living life on my terms and to have the courage to go after my dreams.

So I have created 'My Kiff Nomadic Journal' where I travel the world, meet like minded individuals and start living life to the fullest.

Join my monthly newsletter as I share my kiff nomadic life with you. The newsletter is aimed to help inspire you to embark on this journey with me.

In addition any travel tips, nomadic stories and be the first to know of upcoming meet ups. (And of course of much more!)

I look forward to connecting!

Lots of love

Miss Kiff


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